10 April 2013

Hosting Cyclists

I have posted about bicycle tourists who stay with us for a day or more as they pass through Arusha.  Often I have been asked how I meet them.

Up until 3 1/2 years ago I would meet them by chance as they were passing through.  Then I joined Warm Showers.  It is a way for cyclo tourists to offer a "warm shower" to other cyclo tourists.  It works  well, as you should have time to check out someone before the show up on your doorstep.

I posted about Sekiji staying in December, and we had similar good experience two months later with Maurizio.  They had communicated but were never near each other in their world tours.  Both found me on WarmShowers.  As they both are heading north they bumped into another cyclo tourist and through them he will pass by in the next weeks.

so what happens?  Yep.  They hook up in Ethiopia and are travelling together through Sudan right now. 

They are of course on Facebook.

as well as their websites
If you haven't watched Sekiji's you tube diaries you will enjoy them.  I am in the latest one.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 am

    Thanks for your post Erik ! Just discovered your blog and it is a pleasure to read the stories ! All the best, Maurizio
